Consultation on Mussel Minimum Landing Size


At the Technical Science and Byelaw meeting held on the 10th of May 2022, the Authority was asked to consider a reduction to the current minimum landing size (MLS) of mussels (Mytilus edulis) in the District from 45 mm to 40 mm. Further information with regards to this request can be found in Agenda Item 8. Agenda Item 8 has been provided in hard copy as part of this consultation, and can be found online at:

At the meeting, it was resolved that an informal consultation of Byelaw 3 permit holders and relevant members of industry will be undertaken to determine the wider view of industry on this matter.

Purpose of this questionnaire

The purpose of this consultation questionnaire is to determine the thoughts of Byelaw 3 permit holders and relevant members of industry on a potential reduction in the MLS of mussels from 45 mm to 40 mm. It also offers the opportunity for industry members to provide any additional information they believe to be relevant to this matter. The information gathered here will be presented to the Technical Science and Byelaw Committee and used to determine a further course of action.

Please note, the purpose of this questionnaire is to gather feedback on this matter at this early stage. Some of these questions will be followed up by further consultation or investigation, and the answers given here will not result in an immediate change in regulation.