The North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority has thirty members. Ten members come from the constituent councils. Seventeen members are appointed by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO). There are three statutory seats for the MMO, the Environment Agency and Natural England.
Constituent Local Authorities’ Members
Statutory Appointees
MMO Appointees
Mr N. Baxter Marine Environment Mr R. Benson Commercial Mr S. Brown Recreational Mr P. Capper (Chair)Marine Environment Ms G. de Jong Cleyndert Marine Environment Mr R. Donnan Commercial Mr W. Friend Recreational (Angling) Mr T. Jones Commercial Mr B. Leigh Recreational (Angling) Mr R. Lomax Recreational Mr G. Pidduck Commercial Mr L. Stainton Recreational Mr K. Thompson Commercial (Aquaculture) Mr D. Williams Recreational
Technical, Science and Byelaws Sub-Committee Members
MMO Appointees
Mr. T. Jones (Chair) MMO Appointee – Commercial Mr B. Leigh MMO Appointee – Recreational Angling Mr N. Baxter MMO Appointee – Marine Environment Mr S. Brown (Vice Chair)MMO Appointee – Marine Environment Mr K. Thompson MMO Appointee – Commercial Mr R. Benson MMO Appointee – Commercial Awaiting Appointment MMO Appointee – Marine Environment
Statutory Members
Ex Officio Members