Meetings Archive


Quarterly Meeting of the Committee Technical, Science and Byelaw Sub-Committee
5th December 13th August
26th September 24th May
27th June (Annual Meeting) 6th March
21st March6th February


Quarterly Meeting of the Committee Technical, Science and Byelaw Sub-Committee
7th December7th November
21st September15th August
22nd June (Annual Meeting)9th May
23rd March7th February


Quarterly Meeting of the Committee Technical, Science and Byelaw Sub-Committee
1st December1st November
29th September2nd August
23rd June (Annual Meeting)10th May
24th March1st February


Quarterly Meeting of the Committee Technical, Science and Byelaw Sub-Committee
9th December2nd November
16th September17th August
6th July30th June (Extraordinary Meeting)
18th March18th May
 9th February


Quarterly Meeting of the Committee Technical, Science and Byelaw Sub-Committee
10th December3rd November
18th September11th August
18th June4th August (Extraordinary Meeting)
19th March12th May
 4th February


Quarterly Meeting of the Committee Technical, Science and Byelaw Sub-Committee
5th December5th November
13th September6th August
20th June14th May
14th March5th February


Quarterly Meeting of the Committee Technical, Science and Byelaw Sub-Committee
6th December6th November
13th September7th August
28th June15th May
15th March6th February


Quarterly Meeting of the Committee Technical, Science and Byelaw Sub-Committee
8th December31st October
15th September8th August
16th June16th May
17th March7th February


Quarterly Meeting of the Committee Technical, Science and Byelaw Sub-Committee
9th December1st November
16th September9th August
10th June10th May
11th March2nd February


Quarterly Meeting of the Committee Technical, Science and Byelaw Sub-Committee
11th December6th November
18th September11th August
12th June12th May
13th March10th February


Meeting documents from 2014 and earlier are available to download as a zip file only.


Quarterly Meeting of the Committee Technical, Science and Byelaw Sub-Committee
11th December (Special Meeting of the Committee)6th December (Minutes Only – No Reports)
6th December1st November
20th September16th August
14th June17th May
19th April rescheduled from 22nd March

Reports 1       Reports 2




Quarterly Meeting of the Committee Technical, Science and Byelaw Sub-Committee
6th December18th October
30th September

Reports 1       Reports 2

21st June
17th May

Reports 1       Reports 2

6th April
8th February

Reports 1       Reports 2

 No Further Documents


Quarterly Meeting of the Committee Technical, Science and Byelaw Sub-Committee
2nd November 
No Further Documents