The following byelaw has been made by the Authority. Before seeking confirmation by the Defra Minister the Authority must consult stakeholders. If you wish to submit an objection you must write to both the addresses provided in the “How to Comment” section below. The consultation period will end on 8 November 2019.
Byelaw 3 Cockle and Mussel Hand Fishing Permit 2019
The revised byelaw includes the following main changes from the current Byelaw 3:
- The number of new permits issued each year from the waiting list is increased from 10 to 20.
- A cap of 150 permits in total.
- Changes to permit conditions will be possible without a requirement to remake the byelaw following stakeholder consultation.
- The provision for support worker permits is ended.
- Additional commercial areas are created.
- The time limit for permit renewal has been brought forward. Permits must now be renewed for the next permit period by 31 July in the year they expire.
- A penalty point system for permit suspensions.
- Provision for young people to join the waiting list from the age of 12.
Copies of the Byelaw
Copies of the byelaw and regulatory impact assessment are available below as a pdf files:
Click here to download a copy of the Byelaw
Click here to download the Regulatory Impact Assessment
Physical copies are available on request from NWIFCA, 1, Preston Street, CARNFORTH, Lancashire, LA5 9BY.
How to Comment
Any person who wishes to object to the confirmation of the byelaw must send a statement of their objection in writing to the Marine Conservation and Enforcement Team, Marine Management Organisation, P.O. Box 1275, Newcastle, NE99 5BN (or [email protected]), and the North Western IFCA at NWIFCA, 1, Preston Street, CARNFORTH, Lancashire, LA5 9BY (or [email protected]) by 8 November 2019.