Quarterly Meeting – 11th March 2016

Morecambe Town Hall, Marine Road Morecambe, LA4 5AF – 11:00 am
Agenda ItemLead OfficerSupporting Documents
1   Chairman’s AnnouncementsChairman 
2   Declarations of InterestsChairman 
3   To receive minutes of the NWIFCA meeting held on 11th December 2015ChairmanMinutes
4   Matters arisingChairman 
5   Financial ReportFinance OfficerReport No: 5
6   Head of Enforcement ReportHoEReport No:  6
7   Chief Officer’s Report & Annual Plan 2016/2017CEOReport No: 7

Annex A

Annex B

Annual Plan

8   Byelaw ReviewCEO/HoEReport No:  8


9   Vessel Procurement UpdateCEO Report No:  9

Annex A

10  Report on TSB meeting held on 2nd February 2016Chairman of TSB CommitteeReport No: 10 
11  Science Report (for information)Science TeamReport No: 11
12  Leven Sands Cockle FisherySenior ScientistReport No: 12

Annex A

13  Any other business Chairman