Cockle and Mussel Stakeholder Events

Further to the postponed events before Christmas, NWIFCA are holding two separate events for stakeholders of our cockle and mussel fisheries. Whether you’re a permitted gatherer, buyer, local resident affected by the fisheries or anyone else with a stake or interest, you’re welcome to attend one of the following meetings:

  • Tuesday 28th January, 10:00-12:00 @ The Chamber, Victoria Hall, Main Street, Grange-over-Sands, LA11 6DP
  • Tuesday 18th February, 13:00-15:00 @ West Cheshire Sailing Club, Coastal Drive, Wallasey, CH45 3PZ

You can turn up at any time during these periods to chat to officers, who will be there to give some updates on the fisheries, including future initiatives around improving the prospects for young people entering the fisheries. It will also be a chance for stakeholders to ask questions and make suggestions on how best to manage the fisheries going forward. Officers will also be on hand to provide guidance for fishers using our new permit database.